Climate change is undoubtedly one of the most important issues of our generation, and in the bid to change climate change, planet Earth and its people need all the help they can get. In light of that, here’s part 2 of a list of influential people across the world who are helping shine a light on climate action. (P.S We saved the best for last!)

1. The Dalai Lama
“This is a question of humanity. Our world is our home, there’s no other planet where we may move or shift.” – The Dalai Lama

And that’s exactly why climate action has never been more urgent. In addition to being a Nobel Peace Prize winner, the Dalai Lama has also served as an important figure in the fight against climate change. During the lead up to COP21, he urged world nations to take strong action to limit global warming. Furthermore, he has consistently highlighted the issue of climate change in his speeches across the world and during his visits with world leaders. 

2. Leonardo DiCaprio
This year’s Golden Globe winner Leonardo DiCaprio doesn’t just make amazing films; he’s also Global Ambassador for WWF and the UN Messenger of Peace, with a focus on climate change. Most notably, the Leonardo DiCaprio foundation has awarded over $30 million worth of grants since 2010 to fund 78 high-impact projects in more than 44 countries – and that doesn’t include his recent announcement at Davos to donate another $15 million to environmental projects. Thanks Leo for your ‘titanic’ efforts to help change climate change! ;)

© Newscom

3. Cate Blanchett
Associated with the very first Earth Hour and dedicated to a diverse range of social causes such as human rights and climate change, it’s easy to understand Australia’s love for Cate Blanchett!

Aside from doing her part to encourage fellow citizens to be aware of climate issues, Blanchett also became the ambassador for the Australian Conservation Foundation in 2007, in recognition of her support for environmental issues. In addition, she’s also the patron of the development charity SolarAid, which works in rural areas across Eastern and Southern Africa with the aim of installing solar on schools, community centres and clinics. 

4. Ban Ki Moon
One of the most important figures in the stand against climate change, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has gone above and beyond in putting climate action in the spotlight. He has consistently called on political and business leaders to unite to change climate change, helping make climate change history at the landmark COP21 summit in Paris in December 2015. Who can forget these powerful words by him?

“Climate change is a people problem. People cause climate change and people suffer from climate change. People can also solve climate change.”

© Richard Drew/AP

5. Most Importantly, We Need YOU!
We told you we saved the best for last ;) In the movement to change climate change and build a better future for our planet and its people, it’s undeniable that individuals like you are the ones who have the power to make a difference and create exponential change. Here’s a huge THANK YOU for all that you’ve been doing, be it in your homes, schools, offices, cities or countries, to shine a light on climate action and we hope to see you at Earth Hour 2016 on 19 March, 8.30 p.m. local time ;)

Before we say goodbye for now, here’s a video to get you super pumped up for Earth Hour!