Climate change is undoubtedly one of the most important issues of our generation, and in the bid to change climate change, planet Earth and its people need all the help they can get. In light of that, we’ve put together a list of influential people across the world who are helping to shine a light on climate action. We hope you enjoy part 1 of this series ;)

Pope Francis
A strong advocate for the cause, Pope Francis has addressed climate change in his speeches across the world, including his passionate call to choose environmental justice during his address at the UN General Assembly in 2015. With the Pope’s huge following across the globe, he has truly helped build the movement to change climate change.

Find out more about his powerful encyclical on climate change here
Watch: Leonardo DiCaprio meets the Pope.

© Andrew Medichini / Associate Press Photo

2. Mark Ruffalo
Another outspoken advocate to add to the list, Mark Ruffalo has built a reputation as one of the most active celebrities when it comes to taking a stand for our planet and its people. One of his most notable endeavours includes the forming of The Solutions Project in 2011 to accelerate the transition to 100% clean and renewable energy for all 50 states in the USA. Looks like Mark doesn’t just go green on screen ;)

3. Li Bingbing
Aside from establishing the L.O.V.E Green Movement in 2009 that advocates for an environmentally friendly, low-carbon lifestyle among Chinese citizens, Li Bingbing is also a United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Goodwill Ambassador, and a WWF Earth Hour Global Ambassador. To add on to her amazing list of achievements in helping to change climate change, Li Bingbing also addressed the leaders at the opening of the UN Climate Summit in 2014, highlighting how young people around the world are calling for climate action.

Check out the Earth Hour 2015 impacts video to catch a glimpse of what Li Bingbing had to say about changing climate change! :)

4. Arnold Schwarzenegger
Actor, director, politician, environmental activist and more - you name it, and he’s done it! Most notably, during his tenure as Governor of California, Schwarzenegger and other global leaders helped in setting up R20, an organization designed to produce local economic benefits and environmental benefits in the form of reduced energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Perhaps with Schwarzenegger on our team, we can bid hasta la vista to climate change ;)

© Eric Charbonneau / Invision for Showtime / AP

5. Edward Norton
Alongside his work on the big screen, Edward Norton also dedicates much of his time to help change climate change. In addition to being appointed as the UN Goodwill Ambassador for Biodiversity back in 2010, Norton also joined other renowned artists such as Leonardo DiCaprio and Mark Ruffalo in the People’s Climate March in New York in 2014. Till today, Norton continues to be an outspoken advocate in the fight against climate change, which we are definitely thankful for!

Inspired to do your part to change climate change too? Join us today and together, let’s take climate action for our planet ;)

Check out part 2 here.