Earth Hour 2018 is coming up fast (Saturday 24 March, 8.30pm local time). And this year, it's going to be all about helping us make stronger links with our lovely planet: the shared home for people and nature! More and more people around the world are living in towns and cities and might think it's hard to get in touch with wildlife and the environment. But we’re here to show you it’s not as difficult as you’d think. :)
Whether you’re an urban dweller or looking at how you can make a better future for our planet, read on to discover five ways you can #Connect2Earth.
Reduce your plastic use

From grabbing takeaways in the midst of a busy day at work to using coffee stirrers after we’ve bought our favourite cup, it’s no secret that single-use plastics make life convenient for many of us. Unfortunately, plastics are horrible for the environment. When plastic isn’t disposed of properly, it often ends up in the ocean, where it endangers marine life. :( Even if it does make its way to a refuse site, plastic generally takes hundreds of years to break down! D: And if you burn plastic, you often release poisonous fumes that are bad for yourself and wildlife, in addition to contributing to global warming. :(
The easiest solution is to cut down your plastic use! :D Switch to reusable shopping bags, and avoid using plastic plates and utensils. Another solution is to prepare your own food at home and bring it in reusable containers! :) After all, it’s healthier for both you and the environment.
Grow some plants

There’s something really therapeutic about growing plants. Flowers offer a nice pop of colour amid the tall buildings and grey pavements! ;) And if you’re living in the city and find yourself too busy to look after a pet, flowers and plants are a great alternative! :D Another bonus point? Plants mostly require way less maintenance than animals! For example, cacti are much easier to look after than dogs, or even roses and orchids.
Protip: some plants are associated with peace and meditation ;) such as the bonsai tree, which is often seen as the icon of zen and tranquillity. If you have enough space, you can even set up your own garden - a peaceful haven where you can relax after a hard day’s work.
But the best thing about growing plants is that plants are part of nature. :) By looking after your plants, you're getting a deeper connection with the incredible nature that surrounds us.
Go hiking over the weekend

If you’re not someone who is keen on gardening, there’s no need to worry - take a walk through nature instead and appreciate everything around you! Look for a park, discover a trail or go on an adventure to a national park with your friends and family!
There is something immensely relaxing about walking through the trees and nature. Use the time to disconnect from your everyday life for a while and connect to the trees and other nature around you. Or if you’re walking along the beach, feel the sand between your toes and listen to the crash of waves against the seashore. And if you’re up in the mountains, breathe in the fresh cold air and look at the gorgeous scenery all around you!
Nature is beautiful and it’s all around us. Even in a bustling metropolis, it’s not impossible to find. Just set aside some time this weekend and have a look at what you might discover. :)
Eat sustainably

There are some food staples many people eat - rice, pasta, chicken, fish just to name some examples. And some of them are endangered because of how popular they are! Did you know that bluefin tuna might be overfished to the brink of extinction? :o And millions of sharks are killed each year to satisfy the demand for shark’s fin. :( Even if you don’t eat any of these popular foods, many of us waste food, which is a drain on the environment’s resources - so remember to only order what you can finish.
Trying to reduce our meat intake also goes a long way in helping to protect our planet and its huge variety of life - meat production generates more emissions than meat-free ones, which adds to our carbon footprint. So remember to select the foods you eat wisely whilst keeping our shared home in mind. :) There are so many ways to #Connect2Earth, and showing that we care for it through the choices we make will contribute to global efforts to secure the future of Earth and its biodiversity.
Take action for our planet today

Whether it’s organising or joining a beach clean-up, encouraging people around you to start recycling, or signing a petition to help protect our planet, connecting to nature can happen in your own home! Securing the future of our planet is up to us - and there’s no better way to start on that journey than by connecting to Earth and appreciating all that Earth does for us.
We truly believe that every individual has the power to make a positive difference for our planet and its biodiversity - and, collectively, our actions make a real impact! Get started by taking part in Earth Hour 2018. ;) And please join the Facebook event today! See you on Saturday 24 March, 8:30 p.m. local time!
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